DNA of Many Viruses Found in Cancer Tumors (Info Supports Theory of Microcompetition)

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Host DNA

Viruses like HPV, HBV, and EBV were found in cancerous tumors. – Journal of Virology (1)

According to the Microcompetition Theory, the DNA of latent viruses causes cancer. Scientists working in cancer research tend to agree.

“The association between infection with DNA viruses and neoplasia (the process of tumor formation) is well established in a variety of cancer types. (1)”

What is the Microcompetition Theory?

According to Dr. Hanan Polansky, foreign DNA fragments, called N-boxes, cause most major diseases.

When foreign N-boxes enter the body (naturally, or artificially) they end up in the nucleus, where they attract scarce genetic resources.

It is interesting that many common latent viruses have strong N-boxes in their DNA.

In the nucleus, “microcompetition” between the foreign N-boxes and the human N-boxes in the human genes can lead to a major disease.

Many studies, such as one published in the journal Cancer Research in 2002, have shown that “The integration of HPV DNA into the host cell genome is considered an important step in malignant progression and is commonly identified in noninvasive and invasive carcinomas associated with high-risk types HPV16 and HPV18. (2)”



In other words, viruses like HPV insert their own DNA into a cell’s nucleus. Once there, these pieces of viral DNA then compete with the human cell’s own DNA, and the virus normally wins. When that happens, disease occurs and symptoms show up.

As predicted by Dr. Hanan Polansky, many studies found fragments of DNA that belong to these viruses in tumors, clogged arteries (arterial plaque), arthritic joints, and other diseased tissues.

The Theory of Microcompetition offers hope for people infected with viruses that establish long-term latent infections. If one boosts the immune system against these latent viruses, they can reduce their chances for developing many different forms of cancer.

The bottom line?


Most people harbor latent viruses such as the cytomegalovirus, the Epstein Barr virus, HPV, HBV, and HSV. According to the Microcompetition Theory, these people should boost their immune system against these viruses.


(1) Khoury JD, Tannir NM, Williams MD, Chen Y, Yao H, Zhang J, Thompson EJ; TCGA Network, Meric-Bernstam F, Medeiros LJ, Weinstein JN, Su X. “Landscape of DNA virus associations across human malignant cancers: analysis of 3,775 cases using RNA-Seq.” J Virol. 2013 Aug;87(16):8916-26.

(2) William Alazawi, Mark Pett, Barbara Arch, Laurie Scott, Tom Freeman, Margaret A. Stanley, and Nicholas Coleman “Changes in Cervical Keratinocyte Gene Expression Associated with Integration of Human Papillomavirus 16” Cancer Research – Accepted October 4, 2002.


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