Herpes is Mostly Contagious When Active Sores are Present

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Individuals may also be contagious even when they have no visible symptoms. (1)

Prevention strategies include using condoms, suppressive antiviral therapy and disclosure of having herpes to sexual partners

— LiveScience.com

ROCHESTER, NY, UNITED STATES, November 13, 2015 /EINPresswire.com/ —

Although a person can transmit the herpes virus (HSV-1 or HSV-2) even when no symptoms are present, an individual is most contagious during an active outbreak. (1) Importantly, it should be noted that “people who are infected with the herpes simplex virus type 2, but don’t have symptoms, still have active forms of the virus detected on their genital tract 10 percent of the time … (and) … people who do have symptoms of herpes infection carry active forms of the virus on their genital tract 20 percent of the time” (2) Additionally, a study found that “people with symptoms of genital herpes had more episodes of viral shedding over a year than those without symptoms.” (2) When a virus sheds, it is making copies of itself, and the infected person is more contagious. If you think you may have contracted the virus, see your doctor for testing.3423422881_381377b9bc_o

Click to learn more about herpes symptoms.

It is important to note that “prevention strategies include using condoms, suppressive antiviral therapy and disclosure of having herpes to sexual partners. Each of these strategies is 50 percent effective in reducing the risk of genital herpes transmission.” (2)

The bottom line?

Even though the HSV virus is transmittable during all its stages it is most contagious during the period of a outbreak.


(1) Moore, L. “9 Beliefs About Herpes That Are Totally Wrong.” Published on NOV 3, 2015. – Cosmopolitan

(2) Chan, A. “Sneaky Herpes Virus Lurks Even Without Symptoms.” Published on April 12, 2011. – LiveScience.com

(3) Polansky, H. Itzkovitz, E. Gene-Eden-VIR Is Antiviral: Results of a Post Marketing Clinical Study. Published in September 2013.

Greg Bennett
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